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Welcome this part of the site is for listing story-based missions. What we officially have today is limited, and there is a lot of good ideas out there to share. PM me on Discord with testing results or additions.

the film


Stage: Testing 
Submitter: Paul 

In this mission player 1 must steal advanced prototype plans

Player 2 is in total control of the placement of the station which must be dead centre in the gaming area. An objective token is placed to denote the plans.

Next payer 2 is permitted to place all asteroid and wreckage obstacles but none must be closer than range 3 of the station.

Player 2 now takes 4 mine objective tokens or mine models. This work differently than standard mines as they are "Mine Fields" These also must be placed;

  • Not within range 3 of the station.

  • Not within range 2 of the player's start zones.

  • Not within range 1 of other obstacles.

  • Not within range 3 of other Mine Fields.


Player 1's ships gain a faction token each up to its command value. Each token represents a boarding team.

Player 2 places 2 faction tokens on the station as a local defense force.

Player 1s squadrons gain a faction token if they are able to accommodate a boarding team. This should be agreed upon between both players at the fleet build stage.


Player 2 objective, thwart player 1 from stealing your plans. Player 1 objective steal the plans and escape [hyperspace with them].



Boarding action.

A ship or squadron with a faction token can place that on the target if it starts its turn at distance 1 of the station.


Any competing tokens on the station at the start of the squadron phase will face off at 3 blue dice each. 1 standard hit will result in the loss of a faction token. Loss of faction tokens only occurs after both players have rolled.


Prototypes plans [Objective token]

Once the station no longer has any local defense force and the player has a boarding team on the station. It can transfer the token to any ship in range. That ship must hyper jump or leave the game map to win. Its fleet points by getting away are not counted towards.

If a ship is destroyed the plans stay at the location where it last was. Any squadron or ship can pick them up.


Mine Fields.

At the start of the placement round.

Each Mine Field must be declared as to its type [Can not be destroyed, recommend A,B or C left with token]:

  • Mine Type A: AntiSquadron. 3 Blue 1 black dice at any squadron within range 1.

  • Mine Type B: IonCannon. 3 Blue dice at any Squadrons within range 1. 2 Blue against Ships within range 1.

  • Mine Type C: AntiShip. 2 Red dice at any squadron within range 1. 1 Black against Ships within range 1.


Stage: Testing 
Submitter: Paul 

Cargo heist

Player 1 must scan and capture a cargo ship

Player 2 is in total control of the placement of the 5 BFF unarmed transports. They must start in an agreed Objective A starting area. This must be in between the players starting zones [Right side and not within range 2 of a players starting area. An Objective token for Hyperspace lane beacon  must be placed in Objective B at the opposite end.

No obstacles are place.

Destroyed ships are replaced by debris fields! these are placed by the opposing player upon destruction.

Setup of the cargo vessels is important as they move right to left. They are all at speed 1 and can go to speed 2. They are all under player 2 control. 1 objective and 3 faction tokens are used by player 2 to hide under the ship card. Objective denotes the cargo ship of interest to be captured.

  • BFF 1 starts outside range  8 of the transport beacon token.

  • BFF 2 starts outside range  11 of the transport beacon token.

  • BFF 3 starts outside range  13 of the transport beacon token.

  • BFF 4 starts outside range  15 of the transport beacon token.

  • upto 4 non unique below point 10 squadrons can be placed within range 1 of any of the cargo ships. FREE local defence. 1 of the cargo ships has reserve hangers. 


Player 2 objective, get your stolen cargo away. Player 1 objective steal back your cargo [hyperspace with them].



Hyperspace lane beacon 

A ship or squadron reaching within range 2 of a beacon. Can initiate a Hyperspace jump into the hyper lane.

It must be at speed 0 and follows the standard rules of a Hyper jump.



Any squadron or ship ending its turn within range 1 of a BFF transport can elect to scan it. The player who owns the transport must reveal any objective token.



Due to the limited number of crew onboard a BFF a capture action can be performed by any squadron or ship. Including recapture attempts.

However the ship or squadron must be within range 1 on its turn and most announce this at the start of its go.

  • A ship will lose 1 of its attacks in performing capture operations.

  • A squadron if activated by a squadron command can move and capture [no attack], otherwise forgo an attack to capture.



Mass Disturbance

Stage: Testing 
Submitter: Paul 

Arms deal trap

Player 1 and player 2 have been lured to a false arms deal location.

Setup begins with; No station, instead a rift token is placed in the centre of the map. No asteroids. Players take turns placing 3 debris and 2 dust clouds.



Mass Disturbance.

Similar to an Interdictors ability to slow ships. At the start of the ship round, each ship roles a blue dice;

  • Hit :- Effect jammed! all shots fired are obstructed.

  • Critical :- Effect Gravity beam! Ship is targeted by the rift token. This turn on any movement the ship will be pulled 1 yaw per speed click towards the Rift. And a temporary speed increase if facing the Rift will occur by 1. If facing away ship will lose 1 speed. Mark ship with objective token and remove on ship clean up phase.


Gravity Rift affects.

Any ship coming into range 2 of the rift loses 1 shield from any zone the player chooses. 1 black dice is rolled for gravitational damage.


Speed 0 rule adjustment for defence tokens.

  • Brace. Able to use.

  • Redirect. Able to use.

  • Evade. Not usable.

  • Salvo. Able to use.

  • Contain. Able to use.

Stage: Testing 

Energy Disturbance

Submitter: Paul 

Hyberspace beacon 1G-0045C

Player 1 and player 2 have both have been charged to find out why important cargo ships are going missing near the hyperlane nav beacon. 

No station, instead a rift token is placed in the centre of the map. No asteroids. Players take turns placing 3 debris and 2 dust clouds.



Energy Disturbance.

At the start of every ship phase a blue die is rolled:

  • Accuracy :- Engine dampening. All squadrons movement halved.

  • Hit :- Shield over charge. Shields act as double when hit if not at 0, if at 0 it is treated as 1. Redirect token is able to utilize this over charge.

  • Critical :- Energy drain. Shields have no effect. Rift emits some form of energy dampening field. All shields are not lost but provide no damage mitigation, shots impact hull directly. Defense token Redirect is unavailable.  Ships and squadrons - Black dice unaffected, Red and Blue are treated as obstructed. 


Gravity Rift affects.

Any ship coming into range 1 of the rift rolls 1 black dice:-

  • Hit - Ship is destroyed

  • Hit+Crit - Ship shields all return to maximum capacity

  • Blank - Ship shimmers and moves upto range 5 of current location [alternate player determines location] Must be aligned in heading as previous location.  



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